General Information of the m6A Regulator (ID: REG00023)
Regulator Name YTH domain-containing protein 2 (YTHDC2)
3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2; hYTHDC2
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Gene Name YTHDC2
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Family DEAD box helicase family; DEAH subfamily
3'-5' RNA helicase that plays a key role in the male and female germline by promoting transition from mitotic to meiotic divisions in stem cells. Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs, a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs that plays a role in the efficiency of RNA processing and stability. Essential for ensuring a successful progression of the meiotic program in the germline by regulating the level of m6A-containing RNAs (By similarity). Acts by binding and promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs: the 3'-5' RNA helicase activity is required for this process and RNA degradation may be mediated by XRN1 exoribonuclease. Required for both spermatogenesis and oogenesis (By similarity).
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Gene ID 64848
Uniprot ID
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Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
YTHDC2 can regulate the m6A methylation of following target genes, and result in corresponding disease/drug response(s). You can browse corresponding disease or drug response(s) resulted from the regulation of certain target gene.
Browse Target Gene related Disease
Browse Target Gene related Drug
40S ribosomal protein S6 (S6)
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [1]
Responsed Disease Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model
HK1-IRR (HK1-IRR (HK1-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from HK1 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation.HK1, a generous gift from Prof. Ya Cao (Cancer Research Institute, Central South University), was established from a recurrent nasopharynx carcinoma of a Chinese 17-year-old male patient)
NPC/HK1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_7084
CNE2-IRR (CNE2-IRR (CNE2-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from CNE2 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation)
CNE-2 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_6889
In-vivo Model 2 × 106 cells resuspended in 50 uL of Matrigel (Corning) were subcutaneously injected into 4-6 weeks old male nude mice. When tumor volumes reached 150-200 mm3, animals were divided into control group and radiotherapy group. In the radiotherapy group, tumors were treated with a single irradiation (4 Gy) when tumor volumes reached approximately 150-200 mm3. The tumor stopped growing in the next few days and then restarted growth.
Response Summary YTHDC2 promotes radiotherapy resistance of NPC cells by activating the IGF1R/ATK/40S ribosomal protein S6 (S6) signaling axis and serves as a potential therapeutic target in radiosensitization of NPC cells.
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1/ACACA)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [2]
Responsed Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response RNA degradation hsa03018
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vivo Model All mice were housed at 21℃ ± 1℃ with a humidity of 55% ± 10% and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The high-fat diets (HFDs), containing 60% kcal from fat, 20% kcal from carbohydrate, and 20% kcal from protein.
Response Summary In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Ythdc2 could bind to mRNA of lipogenic genes, including sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c, fatty acid synthase, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (ACC1/ACACA), to decrease their mRNA stability and inhibit gene expression.
Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 (CDKN1A)
Oral cavity/oesophagus/stomach in situ carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E60]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [3]
Responsed Disease Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B70.1]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response p53 signaling pathway hsa04115
NF-kappa B signaling pathway hsa04064
JAK-STAT signaling pathway hsa04630
Cell Process Genetic variants
In-vitro Model
KYSE-150 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1348
KYSE-30 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1351
Response Summary Knockdown of YTHDC2 substantially promoted the proliferation rate of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells by affecting several cancer-related signaling pathways.
Cystine/glutamate transporter (SLC7A11)
Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [4]
Responsed Disease Lung adenocarcinoma [ICD-11: 2C25.0]
Target Regulation Down regulation
In-vitro Model
PC-9 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_B260
NCI-H441 Lung papillary adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1561
NCI-H292 Lung mucoepidermoid carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0455
NCI-H1975 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1511
NCI-H1650 Minimally invasive lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1483
NCI-H1299 Lung large cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0060
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
HCC827 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_2063
Calu-1 Lung squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0608
BEAS-2B Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0168
A-549 Lung adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0023
Response Summary YTHDC2 destabilized Cystine/glutamate transporter (SLC7A11) mRNA in an m6A-dependent manner because YTHDC2 preferentially bound to m6A-modified SLC7A11 mRNA and thereafter promoted its decay. the promotion of cystine uptake via the suppression of YTHDC2 is critical for LUAD tumorigenesis
Cytochrome P450 2C8 (CYP2C8)
Liver cancer [ICD-11: 2C12]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [5]
Responsed Disease Hepatocellular carcinoma [ICD-11: 2C12.02]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response Drug metabolism - cytochrome P450 hsa00982
Cell Process Drug-metabolizing
In-vitro Model
HepaRG Hepatitis C infection Homo sapiens CVCL_9720
Huh-7 Adult hepatocellular carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0336
Response Summary In the Hepatocellular carcinoma cells YTHDC2 promotes CYP2C8 mRNA degradation via recognizing the m6A in CYP2C8 mRNA, which is installed by METTL3/14 and removed by FTO.
G1/S-specific cyclin-D2 (CCND2)
Oral cavity/oesophagus/stomach in situ carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E60]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [3]
Responsed Disease Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B70.1]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response p53 signaling pathway hsa04115
NF-kappa B signaling pathway hsa04064
JAK-STAT signaling pathway hsa04630
Cell Process Genetic variants
In-vitro Model
KYSE-150 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1348
KYSE-30 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1351
Response Summary Knockdown of YTHDC2 substantially promoted the proliferation rate of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells by affecting several cancer-related signaling pathways.
G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B2 (CCNB2)
Male infertility [ICD-11: GB04]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [6]
Responsed Disease Male infertility [ICD-11: GB04]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response Cell cycle hsa04110
Cell Process Block the G2/M phase
In-vitro Model
GC-1 spg Normal Mus musculus CVCL_8872
In-vivo Model Mice in the control group received an i.p. injections of 0.9% NaCl. Mice in the low, medium, and high Mn groups received i.p. injections of 12.5, 25, and 50 mg/kg MnCl2. The volume of administration was 5 mL/kg body weight. The injection was given daily for 2 weeks.
Response Summary Over-expression (OE) of YTHDC2 increased G2/mitotic-specific cyclin-B2 (CCNB2) levels, reduced cell cycle arrest, and improved reproductive toxicity after Mn exposure.
Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1-Alpha/HIF1A)
Colon cancer [ICD-11: 2B90]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [7]
Responsed Disease Colon cancer [ICD-11: 2B90]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response HIF-1 signaling pathway hsa04066
Cell Process Biological regulation
In-vitro Model
COS (From the African green monkey cell line (CV-1).)
HCT 116 Colon carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0291
HT29 Colon cancer Mus musculus CVCL_A8EZ
In-vivo Model HCT116, Y2KD-116 and con-116 cells were resuspended at 1 × 106 cells per 50 ul of PBS. Cells were injected into the exteriorized spleen after abdominal incision.
Response Summary YTHDC2 contributes to colon tumor metastasis by promoting translation of Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1-Alpha/HIF1A) and that YTHDC2 is potentially a diagnostic marker and target gene for treating colon cancer patients.
Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R)
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [1]
Responsed Disease Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model
HK1-IRR (HK1-IRR (HK1-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from HK1 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation.HK1, a generous gift from Prof. Ya Cao (Cancer Research Institute, Central South University), was established from a recurrent nasopharynx carcinoma of a Chinese 17-year-old male patient)
NPC/HK1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_7084
CNE2-IRR (CNE2-IRR (CNE2-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from CNE2 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation)
CNE-2 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_6889
In-vivo Model 2 × 106 cells resuspended in 50 uL of Matrigel (Corning) were subcutaneously injected into 4-6 weeks old male nude mice. When tumor volumes reached 150-200 mm3, animals were divided into control group and radiotherapy group. In the radiotherapy group, tumors were treated with a single irradiation (4 Gy) when tumor volumes reached approximately 150-200 mm3. The tumor stopped growing in the next few days and then restarted growth.
Response Summary YTHDC2 promotes radiotherapy resistance of NPC cells by activating the Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R)/ATK/S6 signaling axis and serves as a potential therapeutic target in radiosensitization of NPC cells.
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Kaposi's sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [8]
Responsed Disease Kaposi's sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57]
In-vitro Model
iSLK.219 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_B6YV
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
HEK293 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0045
Response Summary This modification recruits the m6A reader YTHDC2 and found that YTHDC2 is necessary for the escape of the IL-6 transcript. m6A modification is essential to confer SOX resistance to the Interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNA. These results shed light on how the host cell has evolved to use RNA modifications to circumvent viral manipulation of RNA fate during KSHV infection Kaposi's sarcoma.
Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2)
Male reproductive disorders [ICD-11: VV5Z]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [9]
Responsed Disease Male reproductive disorders [ICD-11: VV5Z]
Cell Process Oxidative stress
Cell apoptosis
In-vivo Model Exposed Sprague-Dawley rats to 0, 250, and 500 mg DEHP per kg body weight per day at the prepuberty stage from postnatal day 22 (PND 22) to PND 35 by oral gavage.
Response Summary DEHP worsened testicular histology, decreased testosterone concentrations, downregulated expression of spermatogenesis inducers, enhanced oxidative stress, inhibited the Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NFE2L2)-mediated antioxidant pathway, and increased apoptosis in testes. DEHP is a common environmental endocrine disrupting chemical that induces male reproductive disorders. Additionally, DEHP increased global levels of m6A RNA modification and altered the expression of two important RNA methylation modulator genes, FTO and YTHDC2.
RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT1)
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [1]
Responsed Disease Nasopharyngeal carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6B]
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model
HK1-IRR (HK1-IRR (HK1-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from HK1 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation.HK1, a generous gift from Prof. Ya Cao (Cancer Research Institute, Central South University), was established from a recurrent nasopharynx carcinoma of a Chinese 17-year-old male patient)
NPC/HK1 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_7084
CNE2-IRR (CNE2-IRR (CNE2-ionizing radiation radioresistent cell line) was derived from CNE2 after a prolonged exposure of irradiation)
CNE-2 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_6889
In-vivo Model 2 × 106 cells resuspended in 50 uL of Matrigel (Corning) were subcutaneously injected into 4-6 weeks old male nude mice. When tumor volumes reached 150-200 mm3, animals were divided into control group and radiotherapy group. In the radiotherapy group, tumors were treated with a single irradiation (4 Gy) when tumor volumes reached approximately 150-200 mm3. The tumor stopped growing in the next few days and then restarted growth.
Response Summary YTHDC2 promotes radiotherapy resistance of NPC cells by activating the IGF1R/RAC-alpha serine/threonine-protein kinase (AKT1)/S6 signaling axis and serves as a potential therapeutic target in radiosensitization of NPC cells.
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [2]
Responsed Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response RNA degradation hsa03018
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vivo Model All mice were housed at 21℃ ± 1℃ with a humidity of 55% ± 10% and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The high-fat diets (HFDs), containing 60% kcal from fat, 20% kcal from carbohydrate, and 20% kcal from protein.
Response Summary In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Ythdc2 could bind to mRNA of lipogenic genes, including sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c, fatty acid synthase, Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, to decrease their mRNA stability and inhibit gene expression.
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBF1)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [2]
Responsed Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response RNA degradation hsa03018
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vivo Model All mice were housed at 21℃ ± 1℃ with a humidity of 55% ± 10% and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The high-fat diets (HFDs), containing 60% kcal from fat, 20% kcal from carbohydrate, and 20% kcal from protein.
Response Summary In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Ythdc2 could bind to mRNA of lipogenic genes, including Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBF1), fatty acid synthase, stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, to decrease their mRNA stability and inhibit gene expression.
Transcriptional coactivator YAP1 (YAP1)
Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B72]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [10]
Responsed Disease Gastric cancer [ICD-11: 2B72]
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model
HGC-27 Gastric carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1279
AGS Gastric adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0139
In-vivo Model They were subcutaneously and caudal vein injected with YTHDC2 knockout AGS cells, respectively. After 7 weeks, the mice were sacrificed and tumor size and lung metastasis nodules were recorded.
Response Summary High YTHDC2 was strongly positively correlated with high Transcriptional coactivator YAP1 (YAP1) in clinical GC tissues, YTHDC2 is a novel oncogene in GC, which provides the theoretical basis for the strategy of targeting YTHDC2 for GC patients.
Transforming growth factor beta-2 proprotein (TGFB2)
Oral cavity/oesophagus/stomach in situ carcinoma [ICD-11: 2E60]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [3]
Responsed Disease Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B70.1]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response p53 signaling pathway hsa04115
NF-kappa B signaling pathway hsa04064
JAK-STAT signaling pathway hsa04630
Cell Process Genetic variants
In-vitro Model
KYSE-150 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1348
KYSE-30 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1351
Response Summary Knockdown of YTHDC2 substantially promoted the proliferation rate of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells by affecting several cancer-related signaling pathways.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6 (FAS)
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [2]
Responsed Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [ICD-11: DB92]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response RNA degradation hsa03018
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vivo Model All mice were housed at 21℃ ± 1℃ with a humidity of 55% ± 10% and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. The high-fat diets (HFDs), containing 60% kcal from fat, 20% kcal from carbohydrate, and 20% kcal from protein.
Response Summary In nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Ythdc2 could bind to mRNA of lipogenic genes, including sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c, Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6 (FAS), stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, and acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1, to decrease their mRNA stability and inhibit gene expression.
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase CYLD (CYLD)
Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [11]
Responsed Disease Lung cancer [ICD-11: 2C25]
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response NF-kappa B signaling pathway hsa04064
In-vitro Model
NCI-H1299 Lung large cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0060
BEAS-2B Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0168
In-vivo Model Approximately 5×106 normal H1299 cells or stable YTHDC2-overexpressing H1299 cells were implanted subcutaneously into the right flank of the animals (n=8 mice per group). Animals were euthanized by cervical dislocation ~30 days after implantation, and tumors were collected and photographed.
Response Summary Smoking-related downregulation of YTHDC2 was associated with enhanced proliferation and migration in lung cancer cells, YTHDC2 functions as a tumor suppressor through the Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase CYLD (CYLD)/NF-Kappa-B signaling pathway, which is mediated by m6A modification.
Hematological disorders [ICD-11: 3C0Z]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [12]
Responsed Disease Hematological disorders [ICD-11: 3C0Z]
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model
A7r5 Normal Rattus norvegicus CVCL_0137
Response Summary YTHDC2/Circ_YTHDC2/TET2 pathway is an important target of metformin in preventing the progression of VSMCs dysfunction under high glucose.
Kaposi's sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [8]
Responsed Disease Kaposi's sarcoma [ICD-11: 2B57]
In-vitro Model
iSLK.219 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_B6YV
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
HEK293 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0045
Response Summary This modification recruits the m6A reader YTHDC2 and found that YTHDC2 is necessary for the escape of the IL-6 transcript. m6A modification is essential to confer SOX (SOX) resistance to the IL-6 mRNA. These results shed light on how the host cell has evolved to use RNA modifications to circumvent viral manipulation of RNA fate during KSHV infection Kaposi's sarcoma.
Unspecific Target Gene
Head and neck squamous carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6E]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [13]
Responsed Disease Head and neck squamous carcinoma [ICD-11: 2B6E]
Pathway Response Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis hsa04120
Cell Process Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis
Cell apoptosis
Response Summary In head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients, a majority of highly expressed m6A regulatory genes is associated with poor OS, in particular ALKBH5, whereas YTHDC2 was associated with better prognosis.
Rectum cancer [ICD-11: 2B92]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [14]
Responsed Disease Rectum cancer [ICD-11: 2B92]
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response Nucleotide excision repair hsa03420
Cell Process DNA repair
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Response Summary The m6A RNA methylation regulators, specifically YTHDC2 and METTL14, were significantly down-regulated and were potential prognostic biomarkers in rectal cancer.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system [ICD-11: FC0Z]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [15]
Responsed Disease Diseases of the musculoskeletal system [ICD-11: FC0Z]
Pathway Response Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes hsa03008), mRNA surveillance pathway
Cell Process Adipogenic differentiation
Response Summary YTHDC2 knockdown can promote the osteogenic differentiation of hBMSCs and inhibit the adipogenic differentiation. YTHDC2 knockdown cause changes in ribosome function.
Menopausal disorder [ICD-11: GA30]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [16]
Responsed Disease Premature ovarian failure [ICD-11: GA30.6]
Pathway Response Oocyte meiosis hsa04114
Cell Process Meiosis
In-vitro Model
HeLa Endocervical adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0030
Response Summary YTHDC2 is a key regulator of meiosis in humans and pathogenic variants within this gene are associated with POI.
Male infertility [ICD-11: GB04]
In total 2 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [17]
Responsed Disease Male infertility [ICD-11: GB04]
Responsed Drug Ethyl ester form of meclofenamic acid Approved
Cell Process Cell cycle
Cell proliferation
In-vitro Model
GC-1 spg Normal Mus musculus CVCL_8872
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
In-vivo Model Mouse GC-1 spg cells were treated with the ester form of meclofenamic acid (MA2) to inhibit the demethylase activity of FTO.
Response Summary METTL3, METTL14, ALKBH5 and YTHDC2 are involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. MA2 affected CDKs expression through the m6A-dependent mRNA degradation pathway, and thus repressed spermatogonial proliferation. Additionally, mutation of the predicted m6A sites in the Cdk2-3'UTR could mitigated the degradation of CDK2 mRNA after MA2 treatment.
Experiment 2 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response of This Target Gene [18]
Responsed Disease Male infertility [ICD-11: GB04]
Cell Process RNA stability
RNA degradation (hsa03018)
In-vitro Model
HeLa Endocervical adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0030
In-vivo Model Mixture of Cas9 mRNA (20 ng/uL) and two sgRNAs (5 ng/uL each) were injected into the cytoplasm and male pronucleus of the zygote, obtained by CBF1 mating.
Response Summary Ythdc2 knockout mice are infertile; males have significantly smaller testes and females have significantly smaller ovaries compared to those of littermates.
Unspecific Target Gene
Ethyl ester form of meclofenamic acid [Approved]
In total 1 item(s) under this drug
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Drug Response of This Target Gene [17]
Responsed Disease Male infertility ICD-11: GB04
Cell Process Cell cycle
Cell proliferation
In-vitro Model GC-1 spg Normal Mus musculus CVCL_8872
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
In-vivo Model Mouse GC-1 spg cells were treated with the ester form of meclofenamic acid (MA2) to inhibit the demethylase activity of FTO.
Response Summary METTL3, METTL14, ALKBH5 and YTHDC2 are involved in the regulation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis. MA2 affected CDKs expression through the m6A-dependent mRNA degradation pathway, and thus repressed spermatogonial proliferation. Additionally, mutation of the predicted m6A sites in the Cdk2-3'UTR could mitigated the degradation of CDK2 mRNA after MA2 treatment.
Xenobiotics Compound(s) Regulating the m6A Methylation Regulator
Compound Name DEHP Investigative
DEHP; 117-81-7; BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE; Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate; Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; Diethylhexyl phthalate; 2-Ethylhexyl phthalate; Di-sec-octyl phthalate; Octyl phthalate; Fleximel; Octoil; Ethylhexyl phthalate; Palatinol AH; Celluflex DOP; Vestinol AH; Bisoflex DOP; Kodaflex DOP; Staflex DOP; Truflex DOP; Flexol DOP; Vinicizer 80; Bisoflex 81; Eviplast 80; Eviplast 81; Hercoflex 260; RC plasticizer DOP; Compound 889; Witcizer 312; Platinol dop; Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate; Nuoplaz dop; Platinol ah; Hatcol dop; Reomol dop; Pittsburgh PX-138; Sansocizer DOP; Ergoplast FDO; Monocizer DOP; Plasthall DOP; Flexol plasticizer DOP; Mollan O; Jayflex DOP; Sicol 150; Ergoplast FDO-S; Di(2-ethylhexyl)orthophthalate; Good-rite gp 264; Reomol D 79P; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate; Di(ethylhexyl) phthalate; Bis(ethylhexyl) phthalate; Rcra waste number U028; Px-138; Phthalic acid dioctyl ester; NCI-C52733; Di(2-ethylhexyl) o-phthalate; Phthalic acid di(2-ethylhexyl) ester; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; DOP; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 1,2-benzenedicarboxylate; UNII-C42K0PH13C; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) o-phthalate; Phthalic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; CHEBI:17747; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; Phthalic Acid Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Ester; Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)ester kyseliny ftalove; C42K0PH13C; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 1,2-bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; DTXSID5020607; Etalon; Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)ester kyseliny ftalove [Czech]; Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate; BIS-(2-ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE; NCGC00091499-05; Sconamoll DOP; Diacizer DOP; Kodaflex DEHP; 15495-94-0; Etalon (plasticizer); Sansocizer R 8000; Caswell No. 392K; Dioctylphthalate; Behp; Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate; Diplast O; ESBO-D 82; Ergoplast FDO; Ergoplast FDO-S; Etalon; Phthalic acid, bis-2-ethylhexyl ester; DOF [Russian plasticizer]; SMR000777878; CCRIS 237; Ethyl hexyl phthalate; HSDB 339; Di(2-ethylhexyl) orthophthalate; Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)ester kyseliny ftalove (czech); EINECS 204-211-0; NSC 17069; Diethylhexylphthalate (Bis-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate); RCRA waste no. U028; Union carbide flexol 380; EPA Pesticide Chemical Code 295200; BRN 1890696; AI3-04273; DAF 68; Palatinol DOP; Polycizer DOP; Merrol DOP; Palatinol AH-L; Hatco DOP; Vinycizer 80; Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP); N-Dioctyl phthalate; MFCD00009493; Corflex 400; Dioctyl phthalate, 99%; DSSTox_CID_607; 1, bis(ethylhexyl) ester; Epitope ID:140107; EC 204-211-0; WLN: 8OVR BVO8; Di(2-Ethylhexyl phthalate); DSSTox_RID_75688; DSSTox_GSID_20607; SCHEMBL20271; 14C -DEHP; 8033-53-2; MLS001333173; MLS001333174; MLS002454397; Dioctyl phthalate, >=99.5%; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis-(1-ethylhexyl) ester; CHEMBL1242017; SCHEMBL21733281; HMS2233C15; HMS3374J09; AMY40790; HY-B1945; NSC17069; Tox21_400084; Bis(2-ethylhexyl)ester phthalic acid; NSC-17069; s3360; AKOS024318875; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-[13C6]; Phthalic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl ester); MCULE-4692716107; NCGC00091499-01; NCGC00091499-02; NCGC00091499-04; NCGC00091499-06; NCGC00091499-07; CAS-117-81-7; I887; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) 1, 2-benzenedicarboxylate; CS-0014050; FT-0624576; FT-0663286; P0297; WLN: 4Y2 & 1OVR BVO1Y4 & 2; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, Selectophore(TM); C03690; A937603; Q418492; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid bis-(1-ethylhexyl) ester; benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester; BRD-A89471977-001-05-2; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 100 microg/mL in Methanol; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 5000 microg/mL in Methanol; F0001-0292; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, SAJ first grade, >=98.0%; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, PESTANAL(R), analytical standard; Phthalic acid, bis-2-ethylhexyl ester 10 microg/mL in Cyclohexane; Plastic additive 01, European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Reference Standard; Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, certified reference material, TraceCERT(R); Plastic additive 14, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Reference Standard; 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester, labeled with carbon-14; 50885-87-5; 82208-43-3
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DEHP worsened testicular histology, decreased testosterone concentrations, downregulated expression of spermatogenesis inducers, enhanced oxidative stress, inhibited theNrf2-mediated antioxidant pathway, and increased apoptosis in testes. DEHP is a common environmental endocrine disrupting chemical that inducesmale reproductive disorders. Additionally, DEHP increased global levels of m6A RNA modification and altered the expression of two important RNA methylation modulator genes, FTO and YTHDC2.
Compound Name Trichostatin A Investigative
trichostatin A; 58880-19-6; Trichostatin; TSA; Trichostatin A (TSA); (2E,4E,6R)-7-[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxohepta-2,4-dienamide; UNII-3X2S926L3Z; Antibiotic A-300; CHEBI:46024; C17H22N2O3; GNF-PF-1011; 3X2S926L3Z; 58880-19-6 (R-isomer); 2,4-Heptadienamide, 7-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-; 7-(4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-2,4-heptadienamide; MFCD03848392; (R,2E,4E)-7-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxohepta-2,4-dienamide; A-300-I; (2E,4E,6R)-7-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-2,4-heptadienamide; [R-(E,E)]-7-[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-2,4-heptadienamide; 2,4-Heptadienamide, 7-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-, (2E,4E,6R)-; Trichostatin-A; Tricostatin A; 7-[4-(DIMETHYLAMINO)PHENYL]-N-HYDROXY-4,6-DIMETHYL-7-OXO-2,4-HEPTADIENAMIDE; 2,4-Heptadienamide, 7-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-, (2E,4E,6R)-; TSN; Trichostatina; trichostatine a; Trichlostatin A; Trichostatin(s); (2E,4E,6R)-7-(4-dimethylaminophenyl)-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-hepta-2,4-dienehydroxamic acid; (2E,4E,6R)-7-(4-Dimethylaminophenyl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-hepta-2,4-dienamide; Trichostatin A,TSA; (R)-Trichostatin A; NCGC_TSA; 1c3r; 3f0r; Trichostatin-A - TSA; SCHEMBL19886; MLS006011095; SGCTO-002; SCHEMBL675951; GTPL7005; DTXSID6037063; CHEBI:93196; BCPP000035; HMS1362L09; HMS1792L09; HMS1990L09; HMS3403L09; HMS3649O20; BCP01776; EX-A1665; Trichostatin A, Ready Made Solution; BDBM50005711; LMPK01000055; s1045; Trichostatin A from Streptomyces sp.; AKOS015899840; ZINC100014731; CCG-208142; CCG-208681; CS-0499; DB04297; NSC 311042; NCGC00162453-01; NCGC00162453-02; NCGC00162453-03; NCGC00162453-04; NCGC00162453-05; NCGC00162453-15; 3C10; AS-74315; HY-15144; M984; SMR004702883; A8183; SW219664-1; T2477; A25618; M02571; 880T196; Q425894; SR-05000013796; Q-201864; SR-05000013796-3; BRD-K68202742-001-04-1; BRD-K68202742-001-05-8; Trichostatin A, >=98% (HPLC), from Streptomyces sp.; Trichostatin A, Streptomyces sp. - CAS 58880-19-6; UNII-30RHG284Z4 component RTKIYFITIVXBLE-QEQCGCAPSA-N; Trichostatin A??, Vetec(TM) reagent grade, from Streptomyces sp., >=98%; (2E,4E,6R)-7-(4-(Dimethylamino)phen yl)-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-2,4-heptadienamid e; (6R)-N-Hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-7-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-2,4-heptadienamide; 7-[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6R-dimethyl-7-oxo-2E,4E-heptadienamide; 2,4-Heptadienamide, 7-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-, (2E,4E,6R)- (9CI); 2,4-Heptadienamide, 7-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-, [R-(E,E)]-; 2,4-Heptadienamide,7-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-N-hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-7-oxo-, (2E,4E,6R)-
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Treatment with the HDAC inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA), reduces YTHDC2 expression in Huh7 and in TNF-Alpha-stimulated hepatocytes.
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