General Information of the Disease (ID: M6ADIS0097)
Acute myocardial infarction
ICD-11: BA41
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response
Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-4 (ATF4)
In total 1 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary Myocardial infarction (MI) is one of the leading causes of death. WTAP promoted myocardial I/R injury through promoting ER stress and cell apoptosis by regulating m6A modification of Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-4 (ATF4) mRNA. H/R effects on ER stress and apoptosis were all blocked by silencing of WTAP, promoted by WTAP overexpression, and ameliorated by administration of ER stress inhibitor, 4-PBA.
Responsed Disease Acute myocardial infarction [ICD-11: BA41]
Target Regulator Wilms tumor 1-associating protein (WTAP) WRITER
Target Regulation Up regulation
Cell Process Endoplasmic reticulum stress
Cell apoptosis
In-vitro Model AC16 [Human hybrid cardiomyocyte] Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_4U18
In-vivo Model Left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was ligated for 20 minutes, followed by 48 h reperfusion. Controls underwent same procedures except LAD ligation. WTAP shRNA vector or its negative control (shNC) was injected into the left ventricular anterior wall 24 h before I/R. A pressure volume catheter was used for cardiac function assay.
Scavenger receptor class F member 1 (SCARF1)
In total 1 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [2]
Response Summary IOX1, which is an inhibitor of ALKBH5, was loaded on HSSS to form HSSS-I, which could effectively ameliorate cardiac dysfunction in acute myocardial infarction. The surface-modified bioengineered ferritin nanocage targeted the dying cells in the infarct area under the guidance of Scavenger receptor class F member 1 (SCARF1). These cells were then phagocytosed through recognition of their TfR1 receptor.
Responsed Disease Acute myocardial infarction [ICD-11: BA41]
Target Regulator RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) ERASER
Cell Process Lysosomal escape
In-vivo Model Wild-type C57 (female, 12-16 weeks old), ALKBH5 /- mice (female and male, 12-16 weeks old), and SPF-grade SD rats (female, 180-230 g) were used to establish the AMI model.Sodium pentobarbital diluted to 10 mg/mL was used to anesthetize the mice or rat at the dose of 50 mg/kg through an intraperitoneal injection. By using a small animal ventilator with endotracheal intubation, thoracotomy was performed at the left fourth intercostal region. The heart was exposed, and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LCA) was occluded through a 6-0 silk suture that was placed 2-3 mm distal to the origin of the LCA with a slipknot. The apical region turned white, and ST segment elevation and T wave inversion of ECG showed that the AMI model was successfully established. Forty-five minutes after ischemia, the slipknot was released, and the ischemic region was reperfused. PBS (0.2 ml), HSSS (23.5 mg/kg, 0.2 ml), IOX1 (10 mg/kg, 0.2 ml), and HSSS-I (33.5 mg/kg, containing 10 mg/kg IOX1, 0.2 ml) were administered through caudal vein injection for 14 days at the frequency of one time per day.
Transcriptional coactivator YAP1 (YAP1)
In total 1 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [3]
Response Summary ALKBH5-mediated m6A demethylation improved the mRNA stability of YTH N6-methyladenosine RNA-binding protein 1 (YTHDF1), thereby increasing its expression, which consequently promoted the translation of Transcriptional coactivator YAP1 (YAP1).This finding suggests a novel potential therapeutic strategy for myocardial infarction cardiac regeneration.
Responsed Disease Acute myocardial infarction [ICD-11: BA41]
Target Regulator RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) ERASER
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vivo Model Cas9 and sgRNA were microinjected into the fertilized eggs of C57BL/6J mice, which were then transplanted to obtain positive F0 mice. The statuses of F0 mice were confirmed by PCR and sequencing. Next, positive F0 mice were mated with C57BL/6J mice to yield stable F1 generation mice. F1 and F2 transgenic mice were used in this study.
Transferrin receptor protein 1 (TFRC)
In total 1 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [2]
Response Summary IOX1, which is an inhibitor of ALKBH5, was loaded on HSSS to form HSSS-I, which could effectively ameliorate cardiac dysfunction in acute myocardial infarction. The surface-modified bioengineered ferritin nanocage targeted the dying cells in the infarct area under the guidance of Scarf1. These cells were then phagocytosed through recognition of their Transferrin receptor protein 1 (TFRC) receptor.
Responsed Disease Acute myocardial infarction [ICD-11: BA41]
Target Regulator RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) ERASER
Cell Process Lysosomal escape
In-vivo Model Wild-type C57 (female, 12-16 weeks old), ALKBH5 /- mice (female and male, 12-16 weeks old), and SPF-grade SD rats (female, 180-230 g) were used to establish the AMI model.Sodium pentobarbital diluted to 10 mg/mL was used to anesthetize the mice or rat at the dose of 50 mg/kg through an intraperitoneal injection. By using a small animal ventilator with endotracheal intubation, thoracotomy was performed at the left fourth intercostal region. The heart was exposed, and the left anterior descending coronary artery (LCA) was occluded through a 6-0 silk suture that was placed 2-3 mm distal to the origin of the LCA with a slipknot. The apical region turned white, and ST segment elevation and T wave inversion of ECG showed that the AMI model was successfully established. Forty-five minutes after ischemia, the slipknot was released, and the ischemic region was reperfused. PBS (0.2 ml), HSSS (23.5 mg/kg, 0.2 ml), IOX1 (10 mg/kg, 0.2 ml), and HSSS-I (33.5 mg/kg, containing 10 mg/kg IOX1, 0.2 ml) were administered through caudal vein injection for 14 days at the frequency of one time per day.
In total 1 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [4]
Response Summary METTL3 deficiency contributes to heart regeneration after MI via METTL3-pri-miR-143-(miR-143)-Yap/Ctnnd1 axis.
Responsed Disease Acute myocardial infarction [ICD-11: BA41]
Target Regulator Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) WRITER
Target Regulation Down regulation
In-vitro Model neonatal ventricular myocytes (Mouse hearts were enzymatically digested to acquire the primary neonatal ventricular myocytes)
AC16 [Human hybrid cardiomyocyte] Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_4U18
Ref 1 WTAP promotes myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury by increasing endoplasmic reticulum stress via regulating m(6)A modification of ATF4 mRNA. Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Mar 26;13(8):11135-11149. doi: 10.18632/aging.202770. Epub 2021 Mar 26.
Ref 2 Amelioration of acute myocardial infarction injury through targeted ferritin nanocages loaded with an ALKBH5 inhibitor. Acta Biomater. 2022 Mar 1;140:481-491. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.11.041. Epub 2021 Dec 5.
Ref 3 ALKBH5 regulates cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration by demethylating the mRNA of YTHDF1. Theranostics. 2021 Jan 1;11(6):3000-3016. doi: 10.7150/thno.47354. eCollection 2021.
Ref 4 Loss of m(6)A methyltransferase METTL3 promotes heart regeneration and repair after myocardial injury. Pharmacol Res. 2021 Dec;174:105845. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2021.105845. Epub 2021 Aug 21.