General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00715)
Target Name Constitutive NOS (eNOS)
Constitutive NOS; cNOS; EC-NOS; Endothelial NOS; eNOS; NOS type III; NOSIII
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Gene Name eNOS
Chromosomal Location 7q36.1
Family NOS family
Produces nitric oxide (NO) which is implicated in vascular smooth muscle relaxation through a cGMP-mediated signal transduction pathway. NO mediates vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced angiogenesis in coronary vessels and promotes blood clotting through the activation of platelets; [Isoform eNOS13C]: Lacks eNOS activity, dominant-negative form that may down-regulate eNOS activity by forming heterodimers with isoform 1.
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Gene ID 4846
Uniprot ID
Ensembl Gene ID
Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
eNOS can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
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Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) [ERASER]
In total 1 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary FTO overexpression significantly upregulated the mRNA and protein levels of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, downregulated those of KLF2 and Constitutive NOS (eNOS), and strongly attenuated the atorvastatin-mediated induction of KLF2 and eNOS expression. FTO could serve as a novel molecular target to modulate endothelial function in vascular diseases.
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Disease Vascular diseases ICD-11: BE2Z
Responsed Drug Atorvastatin Approved
In-vitro Model THP-1 Childhood acute monocytic leukemia Homo sapiens CVCL_0006
HUVEC-C Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_2959
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
Diseases of the circulatory system [ICD-11: BE2Z]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary FTO overexpression significantly upregulated the mRNA and protein levels of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, downregulated those of KLF2 and Constitutive NOS (eNOS), and strongly attenuated the atorvastatin-mediated induction of KLF2 and eNOS expression. FTO could serve as a novel molecular target to modulate endothelial function in vascular diseases.
Responsed Disease Vascular diseases [ICD-11: BE2Z]
Target Regulator Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) ERASER
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Drug Atorvastatin Approved
In-vitro Model THP-1 Childhood acute monocytic leukemia Homo sapiens CVCL_0006
HUVEC-C Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_2959
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
Atorvastatin [Approved]
In total 1 item(s) under this drug
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Drug Response [1]
Response Summary FTO overexpression significantly upregulated the mRNA and protein levels of VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, downregulated those of KLF2 and Constitutive NOS (eNOS), and strongly attenuated the atorvastatin-mediated induction of KLF2 and eNOS expression. FTO could serve as a novel molecular target to modulate endothelial function in vascular diseases.
Target Regulator Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) ERASER
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Disease Vascular diseases ICD-11: BE2Z
In-vitro Model THP-1 Childhood acute monocytic leukemia Homo sapiens CVCL_0006
HUVEC-C Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_2959
HEK293T Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0063
Ref 1 N6-Methyladenosine Demethylase FTO (Fat Mass and Obesity-Associated Protein) as a Novel Mediator of Statin Effects in Human Endothelial Cells. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2022 May;42(5):644-658. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.121.317295. Epub 2022 Mar 17.