General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00569)
Target Name CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1)
Membrane glycoprotein gp140; Subtractive immunization M plus HEp3-associated 135 kDa protein; SIMA135; Transmembrane and associated with src kinases; CD318
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Gene Name CDCP1
Chromosomal Location 3p21.31
May be involved in cell adhesion and cell matrix association. May play a role in the regulation of anchorage versus migration or proliferation versus differentiation via its phosphorylation. May be a novel marker for leukemia diagnosis and for immature hematopoietic stem cell subsets. Belongs to the tetraspanin web involved in tumor progression and metastasis.
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Gene ID 64866
Uniprot ID
Ensembl Gene ID
Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
CDCP1 can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
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Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) [WRITER]
Representative RNA-seq result indicating the expression of this target gene regulated by METTL3
Cell Line LX2 cell line Homo sapiens
Treatment: shMETTL3 LX2 cells
Control: shLuc LX2 cells
logFC: 6.56E-01
p-value: 5.99E-11
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Representative RIP-seq result supporting the interaction between CDCP1 and the regulator
Cell Line MDA-MB-231 Homo sapiens
Regulation logFC: 2.49E+00 GSE60213
In total 2 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary m6A methyltransferase METTL3 and demethylases ALKBH5 mediate the m6A modification in 3'-UTR of CDCP1 mRNA. METTL3 and CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) are upregulated in the bladder cancer patient samples and the expression of METTL3 and CDCP1 is correlated with the progression status of the bladder cancers.
Target Regulation Up regulation
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer ICD-11: 2C94
In-vitro Model UM-UC-3 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1783
T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
RWPE-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3791
NSTC2 (Nickel-induced transformation of human cells)
MC-SV-HUC T-2 Ureteral tumor cell Homo sapiens CVCL_6418
16HBE14o- Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0112
In-vivo Model To test for malignant transformation, 1×107 cells were inoculated subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic midline of ten NOD/SCID mice (Weitong Lihua Experimental Animal Technology Co. Ltd). Tumor formation and growth were assessed every 3 days.
Experiment 2 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [2]
Response Summary The RCas9-METTL3 system mediates efficient sitespecific m6A installation on CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) mRNA and promotes bladder cancer development.
Target Regulation Up regulation
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer ICD-11: 2C94
In-vitro Model T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
HeLa Endocervical adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0030
RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) [ERASER]
Representative RNA-seq result indicating the expression of this target gene regulated by ALKBH5
Cell Line 143B cell line Homo sapiens
Treatment: siALKBH5 transfected 143B cells
Control: siControl 143B cells
logFC: 1.57E+00
p-value: 8.38E-14
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In total 1 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary m6A methyltransferase METTL3 and demethylases ALKBH5 mediate the m6A modification in 3'-UTR of CDCP1 mRNA. METTL3 and CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) are upregulated in the bladder cancer patient samples and the expression of METTL3 and CDCP1 is correlated with the progression status of the bladder cancers.
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer ICD-11: 2C94
In-vitro Model UM-UC-3 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1783
T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
RWPE-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3791
NSTC2 (Nickel-induced transformation of human cells)
MC-SV-HUC T-2 Ureteral tumor cell Homo sapiens CVCL_6418
16HBE14o- Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0112
In-vivo Model To test for malignant transformation, 1×107 cells were inoculated subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic midline of ten NOD/SCID mice (Weitong Lihua Experimental Animal Technology Co. Ltd). Tumor formation and growth were assessed every 3 days.
Bladder cancer [ICD-11: 2C94]
In total 3 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary m6A methyltransferase METTL3 and demethylases ALKBH5 mediate the m6A modification in 3'-UTR of CDCP1 mRNA. METTL3 and CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) are upregulated in the bladder cancer patient samples and the expression of METTL3 and CDCP1 is correlated with the progression status of the bladder cancers.
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer [ICD-11: 2C94]
Target Regulator Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) WRITER
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model UM-UC-3 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1783
T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
RWPE-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3791
NSTC2 (Nickel-induced transformation of human cells)
MC-SV-HUC T-2 Ureteral tumor cell Homo sapiens CVCL_6418
16HBE14o- Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0112
In-vivo Model To test for malignant transformation, 1×107 cells were inoculated subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic midline of ten NOD/SCID mice (Weitong Lihua Experimental Animal Technology Co. Ltd). Tumor formation and growth were assessed every 3 days.
Experiment 2 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [2]
Response Summary The RCas9-METTL3 system mediates efficient sitespecific m6A installation on CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) mRNA and promotes bladder cancer development.
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer [ICD-11: 2C94]
Target Regulator Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) WRITER
Target Regulation Up regulation
In-vitro Model T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
HeLa Endocervical adenocarcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0030
Experiment 3 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary m6A methyltransferase METTL3 and demethylases ALKBH5 mediate the m6A modification in 3'-UTR of CDCP1 mRNA. METTL3 and CUB domain-containing protein 1 (CDCP1) are upregulated in the bladder cancer patient samples and the expression of METTL3 and CDCP1 is correlated with the progression status of the bladder cancers.
Responsed Disease Bladder cancer [ICD-11: 2C94]
Target Regulator RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) ERASER
Target Regulation Down regulation
In-vitro Model UM-UC-3 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1783
T24 Bladder carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0554
SV-HUC-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3798
RWPE-1 Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_3791
NSTC2 (Nickel-induced transformation of human cells)
MC-SV-HUC T-2 Ureteral tumor cell Homo sapiens CVCL_6418
16HBE14o- Normal Homo sapiens CVCL_0112
In-vivo Model To test for malignant transformation, 1×107 cells were inoculated subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic midline of ten NOD/SCID mice (Weitong Lihua Experimental Animal Technology Co. Ltd). Tumor formation and growth were assessed every 3 days.
Ref 1 Dynamic m(6)A mRNA methylation reveals the role of METTL3-m(6)A-CDCP1 signaling axis in chemical carcinogenesis. Oncogene. 2019 Jun;38(24):4755-4772. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0755-0. Epub 2019 Feb 22.
Ref 2 Programmable N6-methyladenosine modification of CDCP1 mRNA by RCas9-methyltransferase like 3 conjugates promotes bladder cancer development. Mol Cancer. 2020 Dec 3;19(1):169. doi: 10.1186/s12943-020-01289-0.