General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00503)
Target Name Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha (LXRA)
Liver X receptor alpha; Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 3
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Gene Name LXRA
Chromosomal Location 11p11.2
Family Nuclear hormone receptor family, NR1 subfamily
Nuclear receptor that exhibits a ligand-dependent transcriptional activation activity. Interaction with retinoic acid receptor (RXR) shifts RXR from its role as a silent DNA-binding partner to an active ligand-binding subunit in mediating retinoid responses through target genes defined by LXRES (By similarity). LXRES are DR4-type response elements characterized by direct repeats of two similar hexanuclotide half-sites spaced by four nucleotides (By similarity). Plays an important role in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis, regulating cholesterol uptake through MYLIP-dependent ubiquitination of LDLR, VLDLR and LRP8. Interplays functionally with RORA for the regulation of genes involved in liver metabolism (By similarity). Induces LPCAT3-dependent phospholipid remodeling in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes of hepatocytes, driving SREBF1 processing and lipogenesis (By similarity). Via LPCAT3, triggers the incorporation of arachidonate into phosphatidylcholines of ER membranes, increasing membrane dynamics and enabling triacylglycerols transfer to nascent very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles. Via LPCAT3 also counteracts lipid-induced ER stress response and inflammation, likely by modulating SRC kinase membrane compartmentalization and limiting the synthesis of lipid inflammatory mediators (By similarity).
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Gene ID 10062
Uniprot ID
Ensembl Gene ID
Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
LXRA can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
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YTH domain-containing family protein 2 (YTHDF2) [READER]
Representative RNA-seq result indicating the expression of this target gene regulated by YTHDF2
Cell Line GSC11 cell line Homo sapiens
Treatment: siYTHDF2 GSC11 cells
Control: siControl GSC11 cells
logFC: 1.19E+00
p-value: 2.27E-13
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In total 1 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary YTHDF2 facilitates m6A-dependent mRNA decay of Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha (LXRA) and HIVEP2, which impacts the glioma patient survival. YTHDF2 promotes tumorigenesis of GBM cells, largely through the downregulation of LXRA and HIVEP2.
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Disease Glioblastoma ICD-11: 2A00.00
Pathway Response mRNA surveillance pathway hsa03015), RNA degradation
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vitro Model U-87MG ATCC Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0022
U-251MG Astrocytoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0021
T98G Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0556
SW1783 Anaplastic astrocytoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1722
LN-229 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0393
Hs 683 Oligodendroglioma Homo sapiens CVCL_0844
GSC7-2 (GSC7-2 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC6-27 (GSC6-27 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC23 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR59
GSC20 (GSC20 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC17 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR57
GSC11 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR55
In-vivo Model For the studies of investigating mice survival, mice were intracranially injected with 10,000 GSC11, 10,000 GSC7-2, or 500,000 LN229 cells.
Brain cancer [ICD-11: 2A00]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary YTHDF2 facilitates m6A-dependent mRNA decay of Oxysterols receptor LXR-alpha (LXRA) and HIVEP2, which impacts the glioma patient survival. YTHDF2 promotes tumorigenesis of GBM cells, largely through the downregulation of LXRA and HIVEP2.
Responsed Disease Glioblastoma [ICD-11: 2A00.00]
Target Regulator YTH domain-containing family protein 2 (YTHDF2) READER
Target Regulation Down regulation
Pathway Response mRNA surveillance pathway hsa03015), RNA degradation
Cell Process RNA stability
In-vitro Model U-87MG ATCC Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0022
U-251MG Astrocytoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0021
T98G Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0556
SW1783 Anaplastic astrocytoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1722
LN-229 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0393
Hs 683 Oligodendroglioma Homo sapiens CVCL_0844
GSC7-2 (GSC7-2 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC6-27 (GSC6-27 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC23 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR59
GSC20 (GSC20 were obtained from fresh surgical specimens of human primary and recurrent glioma)
GSC17 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR57
GSC11 Glioblastoma Homo sapiens CVCL_DR55
In-vivo Model For the studies of investigating mice survival, mice were intracranially injected with 10,000 GSC11, 10,000 GSC7-2, or 500,000 LN229 cells.
Ref 1 EGFR/SRC/ERK-stabilized YTHDF2 promotes cholesterol dysregulation and invasive growth of glioblastoma. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 8;12(1):177. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20379-7.