General Information of the Disease (ID: M6ADIS0094)
Ageing-related disease
ICD-11: 9B10-9B60
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF1)
In total 2 item(s) under this target gene
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary The long-lived endocrine mutants - Snell dwarf, growth hormone receptor deletion and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A knockout - all show increases in the N6-adenosine-methyltransferases (METTL3/14) that catalyze 6-methylation of adenosine (m6A) in the 5' UTR region of select mRNAs. In addition, these mice have elevated levels of YTHDF1, which recognizes m6A and promotes translation by a cap-independent mechanism. Augmented translation by cap-independent pathways facilitated by m6A modifications contribute to the stress resistance and increased healthy longevity of mice with diminished GH and Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF1) signals.
Responsed Disease Ageing-related disease [ICD-11: 9B10-9B60]
Target Regulator Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) WRITER
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response Nucleotide excision repair hsa03420
Cell Process DNA repair and mitochondrial stress
In-vitro Model Mouse fibroblasts (Major cellular components of loose connective tissue)
Experiment 2 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response by This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary The long-lived endocrine mutants - Snell dwarf, growth hormone receptor deletion and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A knockout - all show increases in the N6-adenosine-methyltransferases (METTL3/14) that catalyze 6-methylation of adenosine (m6A) in the 5' UTR region of select mRNAs. In addition, these mice have elevated levels of YTHDF1, which recognizes m6A and promotes translation by a cap-independent mechanism. Augmented translation by cap-independent pathways facilitated by m6A modifications contribute to the stress resistance and increased healthy longevity of mice with diminished GH and Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF1) signals.
Responsed Disease Ageing-related disease [ICD-11: 9B10-9B60]
Target Regulator YTH domain-containing family protein 1 (YTHDF1) READER
Target Regulation Up regulation
Pathway Response Nucleotide excision repair hsa03420
Cell Process DNA repair and mitochondrial stress
In-vitro Model Mouse fibroblasts (Major cellular components of loose connective tissue)
Ref 1 Cap-independent mRNA translation is upregulated in long-lived endocrine mutant mice. J Mol Endocrinol. 2019 Aug 1;63(2):123-138. doi: 10.1530/JME-19-0021.