General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00692)
Target Name Kinesin-like protein KIF3C (KIF3C)
Gene Name KIF3C
Chromosomal Location 2p23.3
Family TRAFAC class myosin-kinesin ATPase superfamily, Kinesin family, Kinesin II subfamily
Microtubule-based anterograde translocator for membranous organelles.
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Gene ID 3797
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Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
KIF3C can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
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Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) [WRITER]
Representative RNA-seq result indicating the expression of this target gene regulated by METTL3
Cell Line LX2 cell line Homo sapiens
Treatment: shMETTL3 LX2 cells
Control: shLuc LX2 cells
logFC: 5.93E-01
p-value: 1.16E-06
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In total 1 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary METTL3 induced m6A modification on Kinesin-like protein KIF3C (KIF3C), promoting the stabilization of KIF3C-mRNA by IGF2BP1. KIF3C was overexpressed in prostate cancer, promoting its growth migration and invasion was induced by miR-320d/METTL3 in an m6A dependent process.
Target Regulation Up regulation
Responsed Disease Prostate cancer ICD-11: 2C82
Cell Process Cell migration
Cell invasion
In-vitro Model VCaP Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_2235
PC-3 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0035
LNCaP Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0395
DU145 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0105
LNCaP C4-2B Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_4784
22Rv1 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1045
In-vivo Model For the proliferation assays, C4-2B cells of KIF3C knockdown, negative control (1×106/200uL) were subcutaneously injected into BALB/c nude mice. The tumors were dissected and weighed (4-6 weeks old, male).
Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary METTL3 induced m6A modification on Kinesin-like protein KIF3C (KIF3C), promoting the stabilization of KIF3C-mRNA by IGF2BP1. KIF3C was overexpressed in prostate cancer, promoting its growth migration and invasion was induced by miR-320d/METTL3 in an m6A dependent process.
Responsed Disease Prostate cancer [ICD-11: 2C82]
Target Regulator Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) WRITER
Target Regulation Up regulation
Cell Process Cell migration
Cell invasion
In-vitro Model VCaP Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_2235
PC-3 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0035
LNCaP Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0395
DU145 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_0105
LNCaP C4-2B Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_4784
22Rv1 Prostate carcinoma Homo sapiens CVCL_1045
In-vivo Model For the proliferation assays, C4-2B cells of KIF3C knockdown, negative control (1×106/200uL) were subcutaneously injected into BALB/c nude mice. The tumors were dissected and weighed (4-6 weeks old, male).
Ref 1 METTL3-mediated m6A modification of KIF3C-mRNA promotes prostate cancer progression and is negatively regulated by miR-320d. Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Sep 19;13(18):22332-22344. doi: 10.18632/aging.203541. Epub 2021 Sep 19.