General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00395)
Target Name Small kinetochore-associated protein (KNSTRN)
SKAP; Kinetochore-localized astrin-binding protein; Kinastrin; Kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5-binding protein; TRAF4-associated factor 1; C15orf23; SKAP; TRAF4AF1; HSD11
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Gene Name KNSTRN
Chromosomal Location 15q15.1
Essential component of the mitotic spindle required for faithful chromosome segregation and progression into anaphase. Promotes the metaphase-to-anaphase transition and is required for chromosome alignment, normal timing of sister chromatid segregation, and maintenance of spindle pole architecture. The astrin (SPAG5)-kinastrin (SKAP) complex promotes stable microtubule-kinetochore attachments. Required for kinetochore oscillations and dynamics of microtubule plus-ends during live cell mitosis, possibly by forming a link between spindle microtubule plus-ends and mitotic chromosomes to achieve faithful cell division. May be involved in UV-induced apoptosis via its interaction with PRPF19; however, these results need additional evidences .
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Gene ID 90417
Uniprot ID
Ensembl Gene ID
Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
KNSTRN can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
Browse Disease
Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B91]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response []
Response Summary The study highlights a robust correlation between the level of cancer stemness and traits related to tumor heterogeneity, including the immune microenvironment, TMB, and the expression of m6A RNA methylation regulatory factors in colorectal cancer cells. A three-gene prognostic signature (PARPBP, Small kinetochore-associated protein (KNSTRN), and KIF2C) was explored together with specific clinical features to construct a nomogram, which was successfully validated in an external cohort.
Responsed Disease Colorectal cancer [ICD-11: 2B91]