General Information of the m6A Target Gene (ID: M6ATAR00338)
Target Name Protein CBFA2T1 (RUNX1T1)
Cyclin-D-related protein; Eight twenty one protein; Protein ETO; Protein MTG8; Zinc finger MYND domain-containing protein 2; AML1T1; CBFA2T1; CDR; ETO; MTG8; ZMYND2
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Gene Name RUNX1T1
Chromosomal Location 8q21.3
Family CBFA2T family
Transcriptional corepressor which facilitates transcriptional repression via its association with DNA-binding transcription factors and recruitment of other corepressors and histone-modifying enzymes. Can repress the expression of MMP7 in a ZBTB33-dependent manner. Can repress transactivation mediated by TCF12. Acts as a negative regulator of adipogenesis (By similarity). The AML1-MTG8/ETO fusion protein frequently found in leukemic cells is involved in leukemogenesis and contributes to hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell self-renewal.
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Gene ID 862
Uniprot ID
Ensembl Gene ID
Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)
RUNX1T1 can be regulated by the following regulator(s), and cause disease/drug response(s). You can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
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Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) [ERASER]
In total 1 item(s) under this regulator
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene [1]
Response Summary FTO-dependent m7A demethylation functions as a novel regulatory mechanism of RNA processing and plays a critical role in the regulation of adipogenesis and obesity. FTO-dependent regulatory role of m6A and SRSF2 in mRNA splicing and adipocyte differentiation. FTO controls exonic splicing of adipogenic regulatory factor Protein CBFA2T1 (RUNX1T1) by regulating m6A levels around splice sites and thereby modulates differentiation.
Target Regulation Down regulation
Responsed Disease Obesity ICD-11: 5B81
Cell Process adipogenesis
Spliceosome (hsa03040)
In-vitro Model 3T3-L1 Normal Mus musculus CVCL_0123
Obesity [ICD-11: 5B81]
In total 1 item(s) under this disease
Experiment 1 Reporting the m6A-centered Disease Response [1]
Response Summary FTO-dependent m7A demethylation functions as a novel regulatory mechanism of RNA processing and plays a critical role in the regulation of adipogenesis and obesity. FTO-dependent regulatory role of m6A and SRSF2 in mRNA splicing and adipocyte differentiation. FTO controls exonic splicing of adipogenic regulatory factor Protein CBFA2T1 (RUNX1T1) by regulating m6A levels around splice sites and thereby modulates differentiation.
Responsed Disease Obesity [ICD-11: 5B81]
Target Regulator Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) ERASER
Target Regulation Down regulation
Cell Process adipogenesis
Spliceosome (hsa03040)
In-vitro Model 3T3-L1 Normal Mus musculus CVCL_0123
Ref 1 FTO-dependent demethylation of N6-methyladenosine regulates mRNA splicing and is required for adipogenesis. Cell Res. 2014 Dec;24(12):1403-19. doi: 10.1038/cr.2014.151. Epub 2014 Nov 21.