In the field of “Search for m6A regulator”, users can find m6A regulator entries by searching m6a regulator name, target gene name, responsed disease name, responsed drug name, and so on among the entire textual component of M6AREG. The query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the m6A regulators directly related to the search term, including Regulator Name, Regulator Type, m6A Target Gene, m6A-centered Disease, m6A-centered Drug, and m6A regulator information link.
In order to facilitate a more customized input query, the wild characters of “*” and “?” are also supported.
(1) If search “METTL3”, find a single m6A regulator entry which is named “METTL3”;
(2) If search: “MALAT1”, finds 11 entries with m6A regulator names including "FTO" or "YTHDF1" etc;
(3) If search: “Liver cancer”, finds 19 entries with m6A regulator names including "ALKBH5" or "METTL14" etc;
(4) If search: “Gemcitabine”, finds 10 entries with m6A regulator names including "METTL3" or "METTL14" etc;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of M6AREG for METTL3, you can search “METTL3” in the “Search for m6A regulator” field.
Search result of the “METTL3” shows the information of Regulator ID, Regulator Name, Regulator Gene ID, Regulator Type, Representative m6A Target Gene, Representative m6A Regulator Response Disease, Representative m6A Regulator Response Drug and External buttons. The “Regulator Info” button links to the detailed m6A regulator information page of METTL3. The “Target Gene” button links to the detailed target gene information page of ARHGAP5. The “Disease Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Gastric cancer. The “Drug Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Adriamycin.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A regulator, which targets “MALAT1”, you can select "Metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1)" in the "Search for m6A regulator by target gene" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A regulator, which regulate “Liver cancer”, you can select "2C12: Liver cancer " in the "Search for m6A regulator by responsed disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A regulator, which regulate “Gemcitabine”, you can select "Gemcitabine" in the "Search for m6A regulator by responsed drug" field.
1.1. By clicking the “Regulator Info” button, the detailed m6A regulator information page for particular m6A regulator will be displayed.
Take METTL3 as an example, “General Information of the m6A Regulator” section displays the general information of METTL3 including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Sequence, Family, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, Regulator Type, Mechanism Diagram, and External Link(s).
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s) display the Target Gene(s) regulated by METTL3, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse the corresponding disease or drug response(s) resulting from the regulation of a certain target gene. The followings are specific experiment reports and RNA/RIP-seq results about the m6A-centered disease/drug response of this target gene. The RNA/RIP-seq result section contains Cell Line, Regulation, and Detail Information. The experiment report part includes Responsed Drug/Disease, Pathway Response, Cell Process, In-vitro Model, In-vivo Model, and Response Summary. Target Gene button links to the detailed information page with the target gene. Disease Info button links to the detailed information page with the disease. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the drug.
Users can click the button to browse Potential Drug Response. Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Potential Drug Response(s) display the Target Gene(s) regulated by METTL3, the Potential Drug Response(s), and Response Summary. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the potential drug.
“Xenobiotics Compound(s) Regulating the m6A Methylation Regulator” section displays all kinds of xenobiotics compounds that regulate METTL3.
1.2. By clicking the “Target Gene” button, the detailed target gene information page for particular m6A regulator target gene will be displayed.
Take ARHGAP5 as an example, “General Information of the m6A Target Gene” section displays the general information of ARHGAP5 which regulated by METTL3, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Chromosomal Location, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, HGNC ID, Ensembl Gene ID, and KEGG ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)” section displays the m6A regulator(s) which regulate ARHGAP5, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). User can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
Browse through Regulator, the followings are specific experiment report about the m6A methylation regulator of this target gene, including Response Summary, Target Regulation, Responsed Disease, Responsed Drug, Pathway Response, Cell Process, and In-vitro Model. Regulator Info button links to the detailed information page with the m6A regulator. Disease Info button links to the detailed information page with the disease. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the drug.
Browse through Disease, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease response of this target gene, including Response Summary, Responsed Disease, Target Regulator, Target Regulation, Responsed Drug, Pathway Response, Cell Process, In-vitro Model. Disease Info button links to the detailed information page with the disease. Regulator Info button links to the detailed information page with the m6A regulator. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the drug.
Browse through Drug, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response of this target gene, including Response Summary, Target Regulator, Target Regulation, Responsed Disease, Pathway Response, Cell Process, and In-vitro Model. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the drug. Regulator Info button links to the detailed information page with the m6A regulator. Disease Info button links to the detailed information page with the disease.
1.3. By clicking the “Disease Info” button, the detailed disease information page for particular “m6A-centered Disease Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Gastric cancer as an example, “General Information of the Disease” section displays the general information of Gastric cancer which the METTL3 responds to, including its Name and ICD.
“Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered disease response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease responsed by the target gene(s), including Response Summary, Responsed Drug, Target Regulator, Target Regulation, Pathway Response, Cell Process, In-vitro Model, In-vivo Model. Target Info button links to the detailed information page with the target. Drug Info button links to the detailed information page with the drug. Regulator Info button links to the detailed information page with the m6A regulator.
1.4. By clicking the “Drug Info” button, the detailed drug information page for particular “m6A-centered Drug Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Adriamycin as an example, “General Information of the Drug” section displays the general information of Adriamycin to which the METTL3 responds, including its Name, Synonyms, Status, Structure, Formula, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem CID, TTD Drug ID, DrugBank ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator with Target Gene” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered drug response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response by the target gene(s), including Response Summary, Responsed Disease, Target Regulator, Target Regulation, Pathway Response, Cell Process, In-vitro Model. Target Info button links to the detailed information page with the target. Disease Info button links to the detailed information page with the disease. Regulator Info button links to the detailed information page with the m6A regulator.
In the field of “Search for m6A target gene”, the user can find m6A target gene entries by searching target gene name, m6A regulator name, responsed disease name, responsed drug name, and so on among the entire textual component of M6AREG. The query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the m6A target genes directly related to the search term, including Target Gene Name, Target Gene Type, m6A Regulator, m6A-centered Disease, m6A-centered Drug, and m6A target gene information link.
In order to facilitate a more customized input query, the wild characters of “*” and “?” are also supported.
(1) If search “MYC”, find a single m6A target gene entry which is named “MYC”;
(2) If search “METTL3”, find 355 entries with m6A target gene names including “ATG16L1” or "TFAP2C" etc;
(3) If search: “Lung cancer”, finds 100 entries with m6A target gene names including "CDK2" or "ACTA2" etc;
(4) If search: “Tamoxifen”, finds 11 entries with m6A target gene names including "MAPK" or "MYC" etc;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of M6AREG for MYC, you can search “MYC” in the “Search for m6A target gene” field.
Search result of the “MYC” shows the information of Target Gene ID, Target Gene Name, Target Gene Type, Representative m6A Regulator, Representative m6A-centered Disease, Representative m6A-centered Drug and External buttons. The “Target Gene” button links to the detailed target gene information page of MYC. The “Regulator Info” button links to the detailed m6A regulator information page of FTO. The “Disease Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Brain cancer. The “Drug Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of R-2HG.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A target gene, which regulated by “METTL3”, you can select "Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3)" in the "Search for m6A target gene by regulator" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A target gene, which effect on “Lung cancer”, you can select "2C25: Lung cancer " in the "Search for m6A target gene by responsed disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A target gene, which effect on “Tamoxifen”, you can select "Tamoxifen" in the "Search for m6A target gene by response drug" field.
2.1. By clicking the “Target Gene” button, the detailed target gene information page for particular m6A target gene will be displayed.
Take MYC as an example, “General Information of the m6A Target Gene” section displays the general information of MYC, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Chromosomal Location, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, HGNC ID, Ensembl Gene ID, and KEGG ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)” section displays the m6A regulator(s) which regulate MYC, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
Browse through Regulator, the followings are specific experiment report about the m6A methylation regulator of this target gene.
Browse through Disease, the followings are specific experiment report about the m6A-centered disease response of this target gene.
Browse through Drug, the followings are specific experiment report about the m6A-centered drug response of this target gene.
2.2. By clicking the “Regulator Info” button, the detailed m6A regulator information page for particular representative m6A regulator will be displayed.
Take FTO as an example, “General Information of the m6A Regulator” section displays the general information of FTO which regulate MYC, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Sequence, Family, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, Regulator Type, Mechanism Diagram, and External Link(s).
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s) display the Target Gene(s) which regulated by FTO, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse corresponding disease or drug response(s) resulted from the regulation of certain target gene. Users can click the bottom button to browse Potential Drug Response.
“Xenobiotics Compound(s) Regulating the m6A Methylation Regulator” section displays all kinds of xenobiotics compounds which regulate FTO.
2.3. By clicking the “Disease Info” button, the detailed disease information page for particular “m6A-centered Disease Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Brain cancer as an example, “General Information of the Disease” section displays the general information of Brain cancer which the MYC responds to, including its Name and ICD.
“Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered disease response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease responsed by the target gene(s).
2.4. By clicking the “Drug Info” button, the detailed drug information page for particular “m6A-centered Drug Response Information” will be displayed.
Take R-2HG as an example, “General Information of the Drug” section displays the general information of R-2HG which the MYC responds to, including its Name, Synonyms, Status, Structure, Molecular Information, Formula, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem CID, TTD Drug ID, DrugBank ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator with Target Gene” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered drug response. The followings are specific experiment report about the m6A-centered drug response by the target gene(s).
In the field of “Search for m6A-centered disease”, users can find m6A-centered disease entries by searching disease name, m6A regulator name, target gene name, responsed drug name, and so on among the entire textual component of M6AREG. The query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the m6A-centered disease directly related to the search term, including Disease Name, Disease ICD, m6A Target Gene, m6A-centered Drug, m6A Regulator and m6A-centered disease information link.
In order to facilitate a more customized input query, the wild characters of “*” and “?” are also supported.
(1) If search “Lung cancer”, find a single m6A-centered disease entry which is named “Lung cancer”;
(2) If search “MYC”, finds 17 entries with m6A-centered disease names including “Colorectal cancer” or “Breast cancer” etc;
(3) If search: “Doxil”, finds 3 entries with m6A-centered disease names including "Colorectal cancer" or "Breast cancer" etc;
(4) If search: “METTL3”, finds 106 entries with m6A-centered disease names including "Lung cancer" or "Liver cancer" etc;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of M6AREG for Lung cancer, you can search “Lung cancer” in the “Search for m6A-centered disease” field.
Search result of the “Lung cancer” shows the information of Disease Name, Disease ICD, Representative m6A Target Gene, Representative m6A-centered Drug, Representative m6A Regulator and External buttons. The “Disease Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Lung cancer. The “Target Gene” button links to the detailed target gene information page of USP7. The “Drug Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of P5091. The “Regulator Info” button links to the detailed m6A regulator information page of FTO.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered disease, which effected by “MYC”, you can select "Myc proto-oncogene protein (MYC)" in the "Search for m6A-centered disease by target gene" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered disease, which related to “Cisplatin”, you can select " Cisplatin" in the "Search for m6A-centered disease by responsed drug" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered disease, which regulated by “YTHDF3”, you can select "YTH domain-containing family protein 3 (YTHDF3)" in the "Search for m6A-centered disease by regulator" field.
3.1. By clicking the “Disease Info” button, the detailed disease information page for particular “m6A-centered Disease Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Lung cancer as an example, “General Information of the Disease” section displays the general information of Gastric cancer, including its Name and ICD.
“Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered disease response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease responsed by the target gene(s).
3.2. By clicking the “Target Gene” button, the detailed target gene information page for particular m6A regulator target gene will be displayed.
Take USP7 as an example, “General Information of the m6A Target Gene” section displays the general information of USP7 which effect on Lung cancer, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Chromosomal Location, Family, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, HGNC ID, Ensembl Gene ID, and KEGG ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)” section displays the m6A regulator(s) which regulate USP7, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
Browse through Regulator, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A methylation regulator of this target gene.
Browse through Disease, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease response of this target gene.
Browse through Drug, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response of this target gene.
3.3. By clicking the “Drug Info” button, the detailed drug information page for particular “m6A-centered Drug Response Information” will be displayed.
Take P5091 as an example, “General Information of the Drug” section displays the general information of P5091 which the gastric cancer related with, including its Name, Synonyms, Status, Structure, Molecular Information, Formula, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem CID, TTD Drug ID, DrugBank ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator with Target Gene” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered drug response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response by the target gene(s).
3.4. By clicking the “Regulator Info” button, the detailed m6A regulator information page for particular m6A regulator will be displayed.
Take FTO as an example, “General Information of the m6A Regulator” section displays the general information of FTO which regulate Lung cancer, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Sequence, Family, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, Regulator Type, Mechanism Diagram and External Link(s).
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s) display the Target Gene(s) which regulated by FTO, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse corresponding disease or drug response(s) resulted from the regulation of certain target gene. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease/drug response of this target gene.
“Xenobiotics Compound(s) Regulating the m6A Methylation Regulator” section displays all kinds of xenobiotics compounds which regulate FTO.
In the field of “Search for m6A-centered drug”, users can find m6A-centered drug entries by searching drug name, m6A regulator name, target gene name, responsed disease name, and so on among the entire textual component of M6AREG. The query can be submitted by entering keywords into the main searching frame. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the m6A-centered drug directly related to the search term, including Drug Name, Drug Status, m6A Target Gene, m6A-centered Disease, m6A Regulator and m6A-centered disease information link.
In order to facilitate a more customized input query, the wild characters of “*” and “?” are also supported.
(1) If search “Sorafenib”, find a single m6A-centered drug entry which is named “Sorafenib”;
(2) If search “ATG5”, finds 6 m6A-centered drug entries including “Gefitinib” or “Cisplatin”;
(3) If search: “Colorectal cancer”, finds 11 entries with m6A-centered drug names including "Fluorouracil" or "Oxaliplatin" etc;
(4) If search: “FTO”, finds 6 entries with m6A-centered drug names including "Temozolomide" or "Tretinoin" etc;
For example, if you want to know the detail information of M6AREG for Sorafenib, you can search “Sorafenib” in the “Search for m6A-centered drug” field.
Search result of the “Sorafenib” shows the information of Drug Name, Drug Status, Representative m6A Target Gene, Representative m6A-centered Disease, Representative m6A Regulator and External buttons. The “Drug Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Sorafenib.
The “Disease Info” button links to the detailed disease information page of Liver cancer. The “Target Gene” button links to the detailed target gene information page of FOXO3. The “Regulator Info” button links to the detailed m6A regulator information page of METTL3.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered drug, which effected by “LRPPRC”, you can select "130kDa leucine-rich protein (LRPPRC)" in the "Search for m6A-centered drug by target gene" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered drug, which related to “Gastric cancer”, you can select "2B72: Gastric cancer" in the "Search for m6A-centered drug by responsed disease" field.
If you want to know the detail information of m6A-centered drug, which regulated by “YTHDF3”, you can select "YTH domain-containing family protein 3 (YTHDF3)" in the "Search for m6A-centered drug by regulator" field.
4.1. By clicking the “Drug Info” button, the detailed drug information page for particular “m6A-centered Drug Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Sorafenib as an example, “General Information of the Drug” section displays the general information of Sorafenib, including its Name, Synonyms, Status, Structure, Molecular Information, Formula, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem CID, TTD Drug ID, DrugBank ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator with Target Gene” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered drug response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response by the target gene(s).
4.2. By clicking the “Target Gene” button, the detailed target gene information page for particular m6A regulator target gene will be displayed.
Take FOXO3 as an example, “General Information of the m6A Target Gene” section displays the general information of FOXO3 which effect on Cisplatin, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Chromosomal Location, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, HGNC ID, Ensembl Gene ID, and KEGG ID.
“Full List of m6A Methylation Regulator of This Target Gene and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s)” section displays the m6A regulator(s) which regulate FOXO3, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse detail information of regulator(s) or disease/drug response(s).
Browse through Regulator, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A methylation regulator of this target gene.
Browse through Disease, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease response of this target gene.
Browse through Drug, the followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response of this target gene.
4.3. By clicking the “Disease Info” button, the detailed disease information page for particular “m6A-centered Disease Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Liver cancer as an example, “General Information of the Disease” section displays the general information of Liver cancer which related with Cisplatin, including its Name and ICD.
“Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A-centered Disease Response” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered disease response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease responsed by the target gene(s).
4.4. By clicking the “Regulator Info” button, the detailed m6A regulator information page for particular m6A regulator will be displayed.
Take METTL3 as an example, “General Information of the m6A Regulator” section displays the general information of METTL3 which regulate Cisplatin, including its Name, Synonyms, Gene Name, Sequence, Family, Function, Gene ID, Uniprot ID, Regulator Type, Mechanism Diagram and External Link(s).
Full List of Target Gene(s) of This m6A Regulator and Corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s) display the Target Gene(s) which regulated by METTL3, and the corresponding Disease/Drug Response(s). Users can browse corresponding disease or drug response(s) resulted from the regulation of certain target gene. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered disease/drug response of this target gene.
“Xenobiotics Compound(s) Regulating the m6A Methylation Regulator” section displays all kinds of xenobiotics compounds which regulate METTL3.
In the field of “Drug structure similarity search”, users can search for similar drugs in this database by drug structure. The drug structure can be submitted by the JMSE editor or SMILES. The resulting webpage displays profiles of all the similar drugs directly related to the search term, including Drug ID, Drug name, Tanimoto Similarity, and drug information link.
5.1. By clicking the “Drug Info” button, the detailed drug information page for particular “m6A-centered Drug Response Information” will be displayed.
Take Fibrates as an example, “General Information of the Drug” section displays the general information of Fibrates, including its Name, Synonyms, Status, Structure, Molecular Information, Formula, InChI, InChIKey, PubChem CID, TTD Drug ID, DrugBank ID.
“Target Gene(s) and Their Upstream m6A Regulator, Together with the Effect of Target Gene(s) in Drug Response” section displays the target gene(s) of this m6A-centered drug response. The followings are specific experiment reports about the m6A-centered drug response by the target gene(s).