2B33: Malignant haematopoietic neoplasm
In total 1 results |
Result 1 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
Raw 264.7 cell line |
Condition |
Leukemia |
Mus musculus |
Treatment: METTL3 knockout Raw 264.7 cells
Control: Wild type Raw 264.7 cells
Regulation |
logFC: -1.58E+00
p-value: 2.07E-67
In total 1 results |
Result 1 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
Caco-2 cell line |
Condition |
Colorectal adenocarcinoma |
Homo sapiens |
Treatment: shMETTL3 Caco-2 cells
Control: shNTC Caco-2 cells
Regulation |
logFC: -1.05E+00
p-value: 7.05E-03
In total 1 results |
Result 1 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
MDA-MB-231 |
Condition |
Breast cancer |
Homo sapiens |
Treatment: METTL3 knockdown MDA-MB-231 cells
Control: MDA-MB-231 cells
Regulation |
logFC: -1.79E+00
p-value: 6.04E-03
In total 5 results |
Result 1 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
Liver |
Condition |
Healthy |
Mus musculus |
Treatment: Mettl3 knockout liver
Control: Wild type liver cells
Regulation |
logFC: 1.08E+00
p-value: 1.29E-23
Result 2 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
Liver |
Condition |
Healthy |
Mus musculus |
Treatment: Mettl3 knockout liver
Control: Wild type liver cells
Regulation |
logFC: 1.08E+00
p-value: 5.56E-03
Result 3 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
LX2 cell line |
Condition |
Healthy |
Homo sapiens |
Treatment: shMETTL3 LX2 cells
Regulation |
logFC: 1.68E+00
p-value: 4.01E-99
Result 4 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
ARPE-19 cell line |
Condition |
Healthy |
Homo sapiens |
Treatment: shMETTL3 ARPE-19 cells
Control: shControl ARPE-19 cells
Regulation |
logFC: -8.92E-01
p-value: 8.18E-06
Result 5 indicating the PLAU expression regulated by METTL3
Cell Line |
Mesenchymal stem cell line |
Condition |
Healthy |
Mus musculus |
Treatment: Mettl3 knockout mesenchymal stem cells
Control: Wild type mesenchymal stem cells
Regulation |
logFC: -1.50E+00
p-value: 8.89E-04